Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Cmo afecta la ley HB87 de Georgia a los indocumentados

Cmo afecta la ley HB87 de Georgia a los indocumentados La ley de Georgia HB 87, considerada como restrictiva de la inmigracià ³n, impone castigos a los inmigrantes indocumentados que viven dentro de las fronteras de ese estado. Y es que aunque las leyes de la inmigracià ³n son federales y, por lo tanto, son iguales todo Estados Unidos sin importan donde se resida lo cierto es que cada estado puede pasar medidas de apoyo a los migrantes, legales y/o indocumentados o, por el contrario, restrictivas de los derechos de los sin papeles. Ese à ºltimo es el caso de Georgia, pero no es el à ºnico. Destacan en ese sentido las leyes de Arizona, Alabama y Carolina del Sur. Si usted es uno de los 480 mil indocumentados que vive en Georgia o se planea mudarse a vivir a ese estado es conveniente saber los puntos bsicos de la ley HB-87 tal y como se aplica en la actualidad despuà ©s de que varias organizaciones demandaran con à ©xito irregular la suspensià ³n de algunas partes de la ley. Cà ³mo afecta la ley de Georgia HB-87 a los indocumentados En primer lugar, en aplicacià ³n de la ley de Georgia HB-87 las empresas con ms de un cierto nà ºmero de trabajadores deben utilizar el programa federal e-Verify para garantizar que sus los empleados son ciudadanos americanos o estn legalmente autorizados para trabajar en Estados Unidos. Asà ­, todas las agencias estatales y todos los empresarios privados con ms de 500 empleados deben verificar el estatus legal de todos los nuevos trabajadores. Desde el 1 de julio de 2012, est obligacià ³n se ha extendido a todas las empresas con ms de 100 empleados y desde el uno de enero de 2013 se extender a todas que tengan ms de 10 trabajadores. Adems, la utilizacià ³n de documentos falsos como licencias de manejar, tarjetas de la seguridad social o green cards con el objeto de obtener empleo est castigado con multas de hasta $250,000 y con penas de prisià ³n por un mximo de 15 aà ±os. Asimismo, todas las peticiones de ayudas para la vivienda o para la compra de alimentos (food stamps) debern acompaà ±arse por la presentacià ³n de determinada documentacià ³n que pruebe el estatus legal del solicitante. Y quiz lo ms digno de resaltar es que  la policà ­a estatal y local puede verificar el estatus migratorio de las personas a las que para o detiene. Es lo que se conoce como la polà ­tica de muà ©strame los papeles (show me your papers, en inglà ©s). Es de destacar que se autoriza a la policà ­a a pedir los papeles pero no se hace mandatorio que debe hacerlo. Asà ­, por ejemplo, las fuerzas del orden del estado de Georgia podrn pedir papeles para verificar el estatus migratorio de las personas que manejen un auto sin la debida licencia. Disposicià ³n de la ley de inmigracià ³n de Georgia HB-87 que est suspendida   Por decisià ³n de la Corte de Apelaciones de Atlanta sigue en suspenso la seccià ³n de la ley que penaliza a todas las personas que a sabiendas, acogen en sus viviendas o transportan a un inmigrante indocumentado cuando se est cometiendo un delito. Derechos de los migrantes indocumentados Los migrantes indocumentados, a pesar de su estatus, tambià ©n tienen derechos si son arrestados o parados. En estos casos es muy importante que reciban un buen asesoramiento legal si sus caminos cruzan el de las autoridades y, por su puesto, si reciben una citacià ³n para presentarse en una corte de Inmigracià ³n, ya que el no hacerlo tiene consecuencia una orden de deportacià ³n (de la que es posible no saber que se tiene). Adems, en casos de arresto o/y inicio de procedimiento de deportacià ³n conviene consultar con un abogado si es conveniente solicitar una salida voluntaria, ya que puede tener ventajas si no hay forma legal de parar la deportacià ³n. Por à ºltimo, destacar que incluso en Georgia los muchachos con la Accià ³n Diferida aprobada (DACA, por sus siglas en inglà ©s) pueden obtener la licencia de manejar. Y que hay ciertos beneficios sociales mà ­nimos reconocidos por las leyes federales que se tienen que cumplir, como el acceso a Wic para el caso de bebà ©s, infantes y embarazadas o la asistencia en clà ­nicas comunitarias e incluso en ER de hospitales en los casos de peligro para la vida. Este artà ­culo es informativo. No es asistencia legal para ningà ºn caso concreto.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Canadian-American Relations essays

Canadian-American Relations essays In 1900, many people still thought of Canada as a British dependency, not as an independent nation. As the twentieth century unfolded, however, there was a gradual shift from British to American influence. Throughout the century, Canada had something of a love-hate relationship with the United States. Since 1945, we have benefited from American investment, popular culture, and military protection. Nevertheless, many Canadians have felt uneasy about our closeness to the U.S. They have been concerned that our economy is dependent on the Americans; that American culture will swamp our own; that we might be drawn into military confrontations because of our relationship with the U.S. While our proximity to the United States is advantageous it also presents a danger on annexation. As Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau once stated: living next to the United States is in some ways like sleeping with an elephant. No matter how friendly and even-tempered is the beast, one is affected by each twitc h and grunt. The Alaska Boundary Dispute in 1898 between Canada and the U.S is reveal to be one of our greatest danger of our close relationship with the U.S. In 1867, as part of their expansion, the United States had bought Alaska from Russia. The purchase included the panhandle strip running down the Pacific coast and bordering on the colony of British Columbia. How far inland the Panhandle extended, however, was hot clear. In 1897, with the discovery of massive gold deposits in the Klondike region, the border issue became crucial. The Klondike was clearly in Canada, but the US flew its flag over the region. As a result, Canadian prospectors taking gold out of the Klondike had to pay American duties on their way home. The question of who owned the access route had to be resolved. Finally, in 1903, the United States and Britain agreed to set up a tribunal, or special panel, to make a decision on the boundary. The trib...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Assignment 006 Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

006 - Assignment Example In addition, famers toil hard from the soil to earn a genuine return (Madison, p.2) 3. Jefferson says tobacco farming produces â€Å"infinite wretchedness.† Why? Jefferson said this because tobacco farming requires very fertile land, high temperatures and high cost of in-puts which most famers may not afford. In addition, tobacco prices in the market are extremely low as compared to its cost of production and hence, leaving the famers at condition of â€Å"infinite wretchedness† (Madison, p.3). 4. How does wheat cultivation create â€Å"happiness†? Wheat farming does not require higher cost of input as compared to tobacco. In additions, it does not require very fertile soil and high temperatures as tobacco. Additionally, it provides famers with higher returns and abundance of food supply (Madison, pp.4-5). 5. What, for Madison, is the relationship between agriculture and civilization? According to Madison there is a strong correlation between agriculture and civi lization. For example, in civilized nations like Japan and China, agriculture tends to prevail better inured to promote civilized life unlike in uncivilized nations. Whereby, in a civilized society the supply of food tends to increase spontaneously beyond the natural limits (Madison, pp.4-5). 6. ... 7. What benefits to â€Å"savage† people seem to enjoy as a result of their â€Å"savage† life? Savage people tend to discover better things in life after going through savage life. In addition, they are able to learn better ways of doing things as well as ways of overcoming challenges in their lives (Madison, pp.4-7). 8. Once a society becomes agricultural, what force or forces make it continue that way? Some of the forces include; an increase in population as the number of mouths for feeding increases, decrease in supply of nature, acquisition of property among the members of population among other forces. 9. What, for Madison, limits the growth of plant and animal populations? Are humans different? According to Madison, lack of land productivity may limits plants and animal growth. In addition, humans are not different because they are part of that population. 10. In Madison’s estimate, how much greater could human population become if every spot on earth were cultivated? There will be approximate more than a hundred individuals in each and every spot and this could bring great epidemic. 11. What mistakes do American farmers make in managing their soil? Among the mistakes make in managing soil include: -Poor cultivation of the land. - Poor mode of ploughing of the land has made the fertile soil to be carried away by rains. -Failure to apply manure - Poor irrigation methods -utilization of oxen instead of horses -keeping of too many cattle tend to destroy the soil - cutting down of trees for timber and wood especially in rural areas. 12. Why do American farmers manage their soils so poorly? This is because; most famers may not afford the best methods, tools and

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Business Ethics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 6

Business Ethics - Essay Example Some important factors that come under the consumer vulnerability are as follows: Constitutional vulnerabilities: These may include the physical or mental disabilities which affect the consumers being unable to grasp or understand the information which may be in contracts, labels, advertisements etc and the ability to use or obtain services or products. Developmental vulnerabilities: Cognitive limitations play a bit role in this type of vulnerability. These are related to comprehending what is being told, knowledge level, which includes judging, reasoning and mental development. Another factor that is part of this is motivational factor. This concerns the adequacy concerns, security or health concerns and discovering ones individuality (Kaufman-Scarborough and Baker, 2005). These above mentioned factors are mostly found in children, adolescent (Martin and Gentry, 1997) or elder consumers (Moschis, 1992). Situational vulnerabilities: These may be internal or external factors affecting the consumer’s ability to interpret things and be taken advantage off. Some of these factors include personal crisis, which may involve stress related circumstances like finance, health, injury, etc, (Gentry et al., 1995) and sometimes language barrier or inability to understand legal wordings. External factors tend to include the surrounding economy or living conditions (Lee, Ozanne, and Hill, 1999) and even the barriers preventing from access. In other words, consumer vulnerability can also be defined as a powerless state, which may arise from the discrepancies in the interactions via media or face-to-face marketing or utilizing of marketed products or services without comprehending the complete information. It can be said that the actual vulnerability always arises from the consumers’ personal state, characteristic, or conditions he/she is in during the utilization of products or services which may get stuck or slow down and may affect perceptions of

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Comparing and contrasting three poems that portray the yearning to belong Essay Example for Free

Comparing and contrasting three poems that portray the yearning to belong Essay We all long to be a part of something and to feel accepted, irrespective of age, culture and society. Similarly, Stephen Spenders poem, My Parents kept Me from Children who were Rough, Moniza Alvis An Unknown Girl and Phyllis McCormacks Crabbit Old Woman talk about how each of the poets long to be a part of a certain society or culture, and this longing outlines the underlying theme across all three poems. My Parents kept Me from Children who were Rough is about childhood bullying and regret. The narrator experiences bullying at a young age and I sense a feeling of regret as the poet wished he could be a part of the group of rough boys. I get the impression that the narrator, now at his adult stage, feels that he did not make the most of his childhood, and this was perhaps due to class differentials. Whereas, Moniza Alvis poem reveals how the narrator had left her hometown at a young stage and when she returns, she yearns to be a part of it. I believe she finds it difficult to reconcile her roots with her foreign lifestyle and falls under the dilemma where she is forced to choose one life, despite her strong desire for both. We get a contrasting idea in Crabbit Old Woman, as it is a plea to break free from the stereotypical image of old people. The old woman feels that she is being judged unfairly because her body has crumbled. She expresses how her soul remains intact, and would like the nurses to realize that her battered heart swells with undiscovered vivacity. All the three poems have an underlying theme of belonging. My parents is about how the narrator longed to fit in with the group of bullies. The world being so brutal, made growing up hard for the narrator. At a young age, the narrator probably needed to feel wanted and important and hence, wanted to be part of a group. There are many other significant themes present, such as a theme of childhood bullying, as the narrator fears the boys who had muscles like irons. A theme of regret, coupled with loneliness is distinguished, as the poet longed to forgive the bullies, but never had the chance. The constant use of I and Me tells the readers how the poet was lonesome. Therefore, I get the impression that the poem is written based on a bitter childhood memory. I feel sorry for the poet as he was made fun of for his lisp and the bullies salt-coarse pointing, which seems to have affected the poets life greatly, even throughout his adult phase. Similarly, in An unknown girl, the poet wants to belong to her native community, which she once left behind. There is a theme of admiration, as her fascination for the evening bazaar studded with neon is clearly depicted. In addition to that, a theme of self-identity is found, as the poet is desperately trying to find herself through her roots. She is unknown to herself. Whereas, the narrator in Crabbit Old Woman wants to belong in a world and society untouched by the evils of stereotype. She would like to feel accepted and gain the same respect as everybody else. She hopes the nurses would include her in their world, and would look beyond her physical inabilities, in order to admire and recognise the beautiful life she has lived and experienced. Alongside that central theme, a great deal of regret is conveyed, as the narrator immensely resents the way she is stereotyped, and hopes to prove that she is still young at heart. There is also a nostalgic sensation in the poem, as the narrator indulges in reminisces about her past experiences and life stages. I believe that the titles of each poem represent the reason for the narrators inability to belong. My Parents kept Me from Children who were Rough suggests how the poet blames his parents for not being able to bask in the pleasures the bullies experienced, as they were very protective of him. I get the impression that he envied the other childrens freedom, in contrast to his restricted life enforced upon him. On the other hand, the title An Unknown Girl has a double meaning as it could refer to the actual girl hennaing the poets hand or it may refer to the poet itself. The poet finds this culture overwhelming yet admires it, and she strongly craves to be a part of it. Moreover, the title Crabbit Old Woman itself illustrates the way the old woman is perceived by the nurses. This stereotypical image is what prevents the nurses from exploring the real old woman and prevents her from belonging into their world. Structure aids a reader to visualise a poem and the free verse structure in An Unknown Girl expresses the narrators exploration of thought and conveys her dream-like admiration. The lack of pauses in the poem is successful, as these would break the connection between the narrator and the bazaar. I felt the layout of the poem was particularly striking, and this furthermore made me realize that it could symbolize the pretty henna, which is described as icing to us, enhancing its graceful manner. Similarly, the use of enjambment in Crabbit Old Woman depicts to the reader the constant running of thoughts and memories of the various stages of life of the old woman. This creates a fast pace coupled with a constant rhyme and free flowing rhythm, which contrasts with the impression the nurses have of old people being slow. I believe the poet chose to use a fast pace and rhyme, to further emphasis that point. Moreover, I feel the use of three structured stanzas with four lines each in My parents made me realize how the narrator was always forced to follow his parents rules and hence, control himself from many things. As a child, one is helpless in front of his or her parents decisions and therefore, I feel as if the author felt caged. I sometimes feel obligated to my parents decisions and this often aggravates me, hence I can understand the underlying tone of anger and blame placed upon the parents in this poem. The use of effective language by the poets helps suggest the ideas of the poems. The constant use of similes in My Parents show the childs admiration and interest for the bullies; as muscles like iron suggests strength and power, which are qualities that generally excite young boys. Torn Clothes reveal class differentiation and this helped justify the reason why the parents did not want the narrator to be a part of the bullies. On the contrary, Moniza Alvi uses striking imagery in her poem, as she paints a wonderful metaphoric image in our minds depicting her state of longing to be a part of this culture. The way the narrator will lean across a country [India] with my hands outstretched longing for the unknown girl in the neon bazaar is a very powerful image. I can almost imagine an anxious woman holding out her arms, in hope to receive her roots; it gives me the idea that the narrator is practically begging for this connection with her hometown. Colours leave the street float up in balloons is another influential metaphoric image. This symbolizes how the poet is trying to reach out for something [her roots], but it is not within her grasp. Moreover, the constant repetition of an unknown girl is hennaing my hand gives me the impression that the poet needs to constantly remind herself that she connects with this place; showing her desperation to remain connected to her roots. I chose these poems as I felt I could relate to them very well. I can understand Alvis situation, as I myself am away from my country of origin and often I find myself indulging in a more foreign culture, yet many a times I get nostalgic about the place I come from, despite feeling detached and distant from it. In addition, I think I could share my thoughts and feelings very well with My parents as it is about a young adult, just like me. Fitting in and being part of a group of children is very vital and therefore, I solemnly sympathize with the narrator. Lastly, I think Crabbit Old Woman deals with a great problem of stereotypical images, which are present in all works of life. It was inspiring to see the old woman standing up against these stereotypical images created by society. The poem made me to realize that I need to offer more respect and admiration for the older generation. All the three poems are written in a unique style and each one conveys very deep issues, in accordance with the universal theme of belonging. All the poets were very much successful in conveying their ideas and they were able to create a lasting impact upon the readers.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Selfishness of Second Hand Smoke :: essays research papers

Smoking is an age-old art that many partake in regularly. Smoking is a very expensive habit that can cause long-term problems for only a short-term gain of comfort. The surrounding non-smoking socialites must witness, experience, and live with the smoke day in and day out. According to the American Heart Foundation, 43.3 percent of American men and women indulge in tobacco consumption through smoke. The negative effects of the habit-forming substance crush the positive effects. This is on the borderline of an illegal addicting drug, but publicly allowed. Everyone has a right to smoke, but everyone should respect others as well. In cases I have witnessed in my life, the smoker seems to care less about a non-smoker?s wishes before lighting the cancer stick. I am tired of it and I do not like the fact that surrounding smokers change the course of my life. Second hand smoke, often called passive smoking, is more dangerous than actually performing the act personally. Stated by the American Lung Association, ?Secondhand smoke exposure causes disease and premature death in children and adults who do not smoke. Secondhand smoke contains hundreds of chemicals known to be toxic or carcinogenic, including formaldehyde, benzene, vinyl chloride, arsenic ammonia, and hydrogen cyanide?, and further states, ?Secondhand smoke has been classified by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) as a known cause of cancer in humans (Group A carcinogen).? This is a proven carcinogen that can kill! I personally am not a gambler and I really wish smokers would wise up to consider how many non-smokers dislike their fate controlled by a selfish addict. Your blood and breathing characteristics become unstable and uncomfortable with exposure to smoke. The smoke is an absence of oxygen, which last I recall, allows us to live. Research from the most current Surgeon General's Report concluded, ?Short exposures to second hand smoke can cause blood platelets to become stickier, damage the lining of blood vessels, decrease coronary flow velocity reserves, and reduce heart rate variability, potentially increasing the risk of heart attack.? The European Respiratory Society performed a study and found, ?Recent research from Finland has shown that passive smoking plays a role in the development of adult asthma. Researchers found that subjects exposed to tobacco smoke in the workplace were twice as likely to develop asthma as those who were not exposed.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Coke vs Pepsi Essay

Pepsi has historically targeted a young audience especially since the 1980s .Many of their ads were usually aimed at teenagers and even younger groups by introducing fun, sports and music in their ads and this still hasn’t changed in 2014.Pepsi has consistently found new ways to adapt to each generation and found great success through it. But most of the credit comes from their segmentation methods. Pepsi has a Behavioral segmentation that contains customers usage. They range customers usage from light to occasional drinkers. They also look at customers purchase behaviors trying label them as instinctive or planned buyers. A good example of a planned buyer and a purchase occasional buyer would be somebody having a get together or a party where the customer chooses to buy Pepsi products to quench their thirst after a exciting fun time. Pepsi also has a Psychological segmentation that focus on a lifestyle and personality. Pepsi has created a motto for themselves called Live Now, but they say that its not just a motto but a mindset. So you already know that they had to have a segment of people that share their same belief. These customers are usually fun sophisticated people or cool teenagers. Pepsi’s final segmentation is Geo-demographic which mostly focuses on the urban areas around the world .which make a lot of sense because most people believe that the cities is where the most fun and big event occur at. As well as finding this particular demographic ages 18- 25 ,which are considered to be young cool sophisticated people that just want to live now. Coca Cola Company is the world’s largest beverage company, refreshing consumers with more than 500 sparkling and still brands.But for some reason Coca Cola doesn’t have a specific target segment but adapt its marketing strategy by developing new products, which really means their segmentation are really broad. Generally, Coke does not have a specific target because they are really trying to addressed everyone. Coca Cola also doesn’t try to target a lifestyles, but they are seeing more and more busy lifestyle and mobile generation that are considered to be the most important part of Coke’s consumers. Coca cola also doesn’t care about a customers occupation but found out that mainly students and family oriented people buy Coca Cola products. Coca Cola also sees that their main consumers are 12-30 years old people and even though there is no specific product or communication for less than 12 or more than 30, the brand succeed in reaching them, through partnerships from six flags,restaurants, fast foods such as McDonald’s or Loyalty from customers. Finally, Coca Cola consider each customer as a target and a potential consumer. All age groups are being targeted but the most potential is the age group from 18-25 that covers a good amount of the age segments. How do their segmentation strategies differ? Their segmentation strategies differ in a big way because Pepsi used the segmentation method to target their customers ,but Coca Cola didn’t really structure a segmentation method to target their customers with .They mostly used the positioning method to grow their company. Pepsi focus on customers that wanted to live now ,a more exciting life. While Coca Cola just wanted everybody to enjoy a Coca Cola product, living your life even if its boring or exciting they didn’t care, as long as you had a coke in your hand.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Home-Style Cookies Case Essay

1. Briefly describe the cookie production process. The company uses batch processing system, wherein the process begins when the management gets orders from its distributors. Production schedules are then made which are based on the orders received. In the beginning of every shift, a list of the cookies to be made that day is delivered to the person in charge of mixing. The ingredients needed are activated through a master list containing all the ingredients to ensure accuracy. The ingredients are then transferred to the mixers then to a cutting machine. After that, the cookies are heated to an oven and moved to a cooling rack. When the cookies are all cooked, they are manually packed. Lastly, the packaged cookies are labelled and sealed. 2. What are two ways that the company has increased productivity? Why did increasing the length of the ovens result in faster output rate? First, the company has increased productivity by cutting the non-filled cookies diagonally, so more cookies can be baked any time. Second, automating the ingredients lead to reduction in the waste of ingredients and helps on the cut back with human error when mixing the ingredients. Increasing the length of the ovens result in faster output rate since it enables more cookies to be baked at once. The bigger the oven, the more cookies we can bake in it which means the faster the output rate. 3. Do you think the company is making the right decision by not automating the packing of cookies? Explain your reasoning. What obligation does a company have to its employees in a situation such as this? What obligation does it have to the community? Is the size of the town a factor? Would it make a difference if the company was located in a large city? Is the size of the company a factor? What if it was a much larger company? I think that the company is making the right decision by not automating the packing of the cookies. It should resemble the human factor in its product. One of the most important steps before packing the cookies is the removal of broken or deformed cookies. An automated process is unable to conduct this critical step. It is critical that this step is done as it would depict the image of the company producing a good product. All companies have a moral obligation  towards their employees. If the company has built on a structure that would help employees stay gainfully employed, the company should honor the commitment it has on its employees. A company that is committed to its workforce sends a message to the community that it cares and is dedicated to its employees. People of a community would be more proud to support such a company with integrity and commitment. Yes, the size of the town is a factor. If the company is located in a small town, it is much easier for them to penetrate the market and to actually show the values it has within its company. Yes, I think it would matter if the company is located in a large city, as it is quite challenging to catch more customers in larger cities, because of the increase in competition. Yes, the size of the company is a factor. The bigger the company is, the easier it is for them to hook customers, as the customers would perceive that it is already established and trusted. It would benefit the company more if it were larger, since it could hire more people and has capacity to help the community more. However, it is very important for companies to take note that whether it may be big or small it should always focus on productivity and efficiency to provide absolute customer satisfaction. 4. What factors cause the company to carry minimal amounts of certain inventories? What benefits result from this policy? Minimal amounts of inventories are caused by many factors. First factor is the quality of the cookies. Since the company is set on providing a product that is high quality and does not use preservatives or additives, they use minimal inventories to retain the freshness of the product and to avoid waste of resources. Second, lower inventory costs, the lesser the inventory the lower the costs. Third, less need for storage space, since there is minimal inventories used, minimal space is also utilized. Lastly, satisfied customers, because of the freshness and high quality of the cookies the company provides satisfaction to its consumers. 5. As a consumer, what things do you consider in judging the quality of cookies you buy in a supermarket? The main factor in judging the quality of the cookies is by its quality or freshness. Fresh or high quality cookies would catch more customers. Second, the ingredients, if natural ingredients  are used I would be more enticed to buy cookies. Third is the packaging of the product, its outer appearance tells a lot about a product. I would buy a product which has a really nice and neat packaging. 6. What advantages and what limitations stem from the company’s not using preservatives in cookies? By not using preservatives, the product would appeal more to customers, as more people now are health-conscious. It would also lessen the costs of the company, since fewer ingredients are needed. On the other hand, not using preservatives limits the shelf life of the cookies. 7. Briefly describe the company’s strategy. Mainly, the company focuses on providing high quality cookies that appeal to a particular market niche. The company also centers on its customers and employees. Through this, it gives a possible effect on its community and gains the support of the people.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Does It Matter How You Publish

Does It Matter How You Publish Im still deluged with questions, comments, and concerns regarding self-publishing. Theres still a huge misunderstanding that self-publishing is the second-best option to traditional. That self-publishing is for those who cannot traditionally publish. The amazing part of these misconceptions is that most of these folks have no idea how traditional publishing works. They are going with the route that most people go with, that carries less risk (or so they think), where nobody can reject. After some back and forth, heres an email message from a reader: Hope At first, I had the notion about self-publishing being second option because this was what I’d been told and made to believe First, whether traditional or self-published, publishing is simply a tool. What you do with it deems its importance. Forget reputations affiliated with self-publishing. I don’t tell ANYONE that I’ve self-pubbed one book or traditionally published another. A reader doesn’t care. Only when I’m asked do I state which is which. We become so entrenched in the publishing industry, that we forget about the readers who only want a good book. Amazon has helped balance the playing field for self-published authors, and I commend them for that. However, I blame writers for how they use and misuse that opportunity. Mistakes self-published writers make: -They publish prematurely. -They design bad covers. -They design bad cover copy. -They format unprofessionally. -They do not edit enough. -They do not proofread enough (different from editing). -They do not market themselves well. The reputation of self-publishing isnt what hurts you. Nobody knows how you published if you dont tell them. Its all about how you present and sell yourself, and especially how well you write and present the book. Its on you, the author, to create a phenomenal book. But as long as self-publishing is just that available for everyone to do it themselves you will have bad work out there. I wave off the sarcasms that traditional markets have bad works, too, because the percentages don’t even compare. There are far more bad books out there in the self-publishing world because there are no gatekeepers. It is what it is. Until self-published authors as a whole pour as much attention into their books as traditional presses pour into theirs, the scales wont balance. The main point is simply to choose which way to publish, use it, own it, and don’t lead with how you published, but with how good the book is.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

What to Do When Your Work Is Stolen

What to Do When Your Work Is Stolen The unthinkable happens. Your work is published without your knowledge, consent or compensation. Whether it is large slushpiles, lack of time, memory lapses or non-existent ethics, theres no excuse for unprofessionalism or deceit. If the publication gets away with it once, they may do it again! Sure, you challenge them. You take the moral high ground, argue facts logically, point out copyrights, escalate to publishers or web domain owners; but your remonstrations fall on deaf ears. When editors dont remedy the situation early and sufficiently, heres how you can take action. Publicize Reputations carry businesses, but are fragile. Social media is a powerful tool, but an untamed beast. Nothing travels faster than bad news. Use Facebook, Twitter, blogs, or your own mailing lists of writers/editors/sources to make noise. However, before you bandy about anyones good name, remember publicity is a two-way street. Choose your words carefully. Dont post on a public forum in a passion. Defamation charges can be difficult to defend, and the last thing you need is to have your life stolen too. Invoice anyway What have you got to lose? Invoicing a publication that has published your work without permission sends a clear message that you are a professional who knows the industry. PayPal has a professional template and a reminder system. Make your invoice due on receipt and clearly state terms and conditions including penalties for delayed payments. Join forces Yours may not be a solitary incident. Ask around. Someone may have experience dealing with the publications idiosyncrasies and may be able to advise you. Hit them where it hurts Magazines exist for sales. Contact the retail outlets where the magazine is sold and inform them of the transgression. They may stop stocking it. Go to court Before you recourse to judiciary as your last resort, consider: a) Money: Lawyers fees are ruinous. Unless you claim Donald Trump as a relation or have engaged a lawyer to work pro bono, think twice. b) Time: Court battles can drag on for years. You may end up resigning your great-grandchildren to life revolving around courthouse working hours. c) Effort: Meetings, filing forms, understanding the law, dealing with red tape there are an awful lot of legal hoops to jump through that drain energy. Will your court battle drain you of the sheer physical stamina to attend your daughters graduation ceremony, steal the mental inclination to host that long-overdue dinner party, rob you of the emotional wherewithal to cope with a friends illness? d) Scandal: Court cases are open affairs. You may think truth and public interest are on your side, but theres no guarantee how the case will develop. Your reputation may emerge out of the ordeal smelling like a bouquet of roses, or it may crawl out looking like something the cat dragged in. Can you live with the local garbage-man and that cute shop assistant at your favorite boutique knowing all about your dirty laundry? e) Practicalities: If you live in the US and the publication is based in Singapore, how do you propose to duel? So weigh pros and cons, calculate cost versus benefit and take action. Or finally, write off the loss and move on. Its great to be principled and fight for fairness. Its also natural to feel to want to get even. But is the article worth the tumult? If not, consider it an occupational hazard and move on. Lesson learned. Whatever you do, hope for the best and be prepared for the worst. Remain positive, proactive, and dont stop writing. As freelancer Judee Fong says, Thieves steal only from the best! 🙂 ID: 181074Â © Abdone | Dreamstime Stock Photos

Sunday, November 3, 2019

The advantages of visiting Barcelona Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

The advantages of visiting Barcelona - Essay Example Barcelona has great influence on commerce, arts, science, entertainment, and education. The city is a major tourist destination subject to its rich cultures, architecture, and good climate. With a Barcelona has Mediterranean climate that depicts mild, humid winters and warm, dry summers the city attracts tourist in all seasons. The city hosts over one million visitors every week (Esei International Business School 1). There are great monuments, museums, good people, galleries, and magnificent architecture in Barcelona. The beautiful historic and tourist sites include the old Boqueria market, Picasso and Mirà ³ works, Tibidabo that overlooks Barcelona, La Sagrada Familia, Barceloneta Beach, Frank Gehry's Peche, The Historic Gothic Quarter, and Marina at Villa Olimpica (Williams 1). With 1,629,990 visitors, the FC Barcelona museum is the most popular museum in Barcelona. There is a buzzing nightlife in Barcelona due to the numerous bars and nightclubs, cocktails, and casinos (Williams 1). Moreover, there is better accommodation in the city subject to the five star hotels in Barcelona. With four and a half kilometers of sandy beaches, Barcelona is one of the dominant beach cities in the world (Esei International Business School 1). The unique architecture of the city adopts a grid system. Transport in the city is through biking, taxis, metro bus or by foot (Tourist Barcelona 1). Barcelona has worst drivers and hence many people choose to walk the streets of Barcelona.

Friday, November 1, 2019

CASE STUDY - AMAZON Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

- AMAZON - Case Study Example The featured organization remained engaged in selling DVDs, CDs, VHS cassettes and a lot of electronics before it can actually became capable of developing and commercializing Kindle Fire tablet. The introduction of Kindle acted like a lucky charm for the retailer and things initiated to look improved ever since the product was launched in the year of 2011 whereas, its predecessor Kindle e-book Reader was launched in 2007. The improved version of the formerly mentioned product was released in 2012 (History & Timeline, 2014). The company produces products by outsourcing their manufacturing to countries that can produce them cheaply. The apparels are made in Sri Lanka and Bangladesh. The technological products are either made in China or US. The products are distributed through chain of warehouses, fulfillment centers and third party distributors (Kucera, 2014). Jeff Bezos had incorporated as an organization in July 1994 and the website was made available for customer use in 1995 after intensive tests and beta version releases. However, the concept worked and worked great indeed. The initial name of the company was Cadabra and it was replaced with Amazon after getting inspired with the title of Amazon River which is one of the most spacious water masses located on the face of the Earth. The Amazons is a term that was used to refer to great nation of female warriors known to exist in the traditional Greek mythology. Amazon managed to vend its subsidiary websites to England, America, France, Canada, Italy, Germany, Spain, Australia, Brazil, Japan, China, India and last but not the least Mexico. In 2011, the company was in plans to launch its websites in Poland, Netherlands and Sweden. Jeff Bezos did not engage in internet business in the period of early development of the industry but he made up for his misgivings in this regard an d introduced Amazon in 1994. Amazon as a